Executive Committee

Most. Rev. A. Dharmaraj Rasalm 

CSI Moderator


CSI Council of North America

Rev. Sam N. Joshua

Vice President 

CSI Council of  North America

Prof. Dr. Zachariah Oommen

Prof. Dr. Zachariah Oommen


CSI Council of North America

Mr. Daniel Cherian


CSI Council of North America

Youth Representative: Mr. Abhilash Davidson, St. Thomas CSI Church of Greater Houston

Women's Representative: Dr. Beena Mathew, St. Thomas CSI Church of Greater Houston

Regional Chairpersons

Region 1: Rev. Joby Varghese Joy - CSI Cong Hodson Valley

Region 2: Rev. John K Mathew - Immanuel CSI, Elizabeth

Region 3: Rev. Jijo Abraham - CSI Cong Dallas 

Region 4: Rev. Joe Varghese Malayil - CSI Christ Church Chicago

Region 5: Rev. Joji Philip - Emmanuel CSI Atlanta

Region 6: Rev. Binu Philip - CSI Church Toronto

Regional Representatives

Region 1: Mr. Jophry Philip - CSI Malayalam Congregation of NY, Seaford

Region 2: Mr. Tito George - CSI Christ Church in PA, Philadelphia

Region 3: Dr. Mr. Bobby Tharian - CSI Congregation of Dallas, TX

Region 4: Dr. Ida Maduram - CSI Redeemer Church, IL

Region 5: Mr. Mathew George - Emmanuel CSI Church, Atlanta

Region 6: Mr. Ron Abraham - CSI Christ Church Toronto 


Mr. Jacob K Jacob -  CSI Christ Church in PA, Philadelphia

Prayer Coordinator

Deepu Varghese - CSI Holy Trinity Church Albany, NY

Ministerial Committee

Rev. Benny Thomas - St. Thomas CSI Church of Greater Houston

Rev. T. T Santhosh - CSI Christ Church in PA, Philadelphia

Rev. Sam N. Joshua - CSI Jubilee Memorial Church, Wilson Park. NY

Dr. Zachariah Oommen - St. Thomas CSI Church of Greater Houston

Mr. Daniel Cherian - CSI Congregation of Florida

Mr. Bryan T. Mathew - St. Thomas CSI Church of Greater Houston

Mr. Koshy George - CSI Jubilee memorial Church, Wilson Park, NY

Council Members

Region 1

Mr. Sam Mathews  - CSI Congregation of New England , Boston 

Rev. Shalu T Mathew - CSI Malayalam congregation of NY , Seaford

Mr. George Itty - CSI Malayalam congregation of NY , Seaford

Mr. Robin Kinattukara - CSI Malayalam congregation of NY , Seaford

Mr. Jophry Philip - CSI Malayalam congregation of NY , Seaford

Ms Ann Jacob - CSI Malayalam congregation of NY , Seaford

Rev Sam N Josua - CSI Jubliee memorial Church , Willson Park .NY

Mr. Koshy George - CSI Jubliee memorial Church , Willson Park .NY

Mr. Vipin Mathew - CSI Jubliee memorial Church , Willson Park .NY

Ms Mini Sam - CSI Jubliee memorial Church , Willson Park .NY

Christ CSI Church Tappen  - 

Rev. Joby Varghese Joy - CSI Congregation of Hudson Valley NY

Ms. Elizabeth Oommen - CSI Congregation of Hudson Valley NY

Mr Renoy Thomas - CSI Congregation of Hudson Valley NY

Rev. John D Johnson - All Saints Episcopal Church , NY

Mr. Rajeev Ninan - All Saints Episcopal Church , NY

Mr. Jose Mohan - Ascension Church Boston MA

Rev Thomas Cherian - Christ Church of South India CT

Mr. Abraham Kurian - Christ Church of South India CT

Ms. Rohini Christison  - Christ Church of South India CT

CSI Holy Trinity Albany

Rev Dr. Christopher Solomon - CSI Telugu Congregation NY

Region 2

Rev. John K Mathew - Immanuel CSI Church, Elizabeth NJ

Mr. John Sachariah - Immanuel CSI Church, Elizabeth NJ

Mr. Johnson Eapen - Immanuel CSI Church, Elizabeth NJ

Rev. Dr. Jacob Philip - Church of St. Paul's &Resurrection, NJ

Dr. Titus George - Church of St. Paul's &Resurrection,NJ

Mr. Kurian Philip - Church of St. Paul's &Resurrection,NJ

Rev. T.T. Santhosh - CSI Christ Church in PA, Philadelphia

Mr. Jacob K Jacob - CSI Christ Church in PA, Philadelphia

Mr. Tito George - CSI Christ Church in PA, Philadelphia

Ms. Rachel Babu - CSI Christ Church in PA, Philadelphia

Rev. P J Jose - Emmanuel CSI Church, Philadelphia

Dr. Benjamin George - Emmanuel CSI Church, Philadelphia

Ms. Jiji Ivan - Emmanuel CSI Church, Philadelphia

CSI Holy Trinity Washington DC 

Region 3

Rev. Benny Thomas - St. Thomas CSI Church of Greater Houston

Dr. Zachariah Oommen - St. Thomas CSI Church of Greater Houston

Mr. Bryan Mathew - St. Thomas CSI Church of Greater Houston

Mr. John W Varghese - St. Thomas CSI Church of Greater Houston

Ms. Suju Abraham - St. Thomas CSI Church of Greater Houston

Rev. Jijo Abraham - CSI Congregation of Dallas, TX

Dr. George B. Thariyan - CSI Congregation of Dallas, TX

Mr. Mathew Karun - CSI Congregation of Dallas, TX

Ms. Rayni Tharian - CSI Congregation of Dallas, TX

Rev. Sherwin Doss - CSI Dallas Church

Mr. Jayan Abraham - Redeemer CSI Church, Kansas

St John CSI Congregation Los angels 

Region 4 

Rev. Joe V Malayil - CSI Christ Church Chicago

Mr. Mathew Karottu - CSI Christ Church Chicago

Mr. Meljo Varghese - CSI Christ Church Chicago

Ms. Lubina Varghese - CSI Christ Church Chicago

Mr. Sam Johnson - CSI Congregation of Chicago

Mr. Sam T Thomas - CSI Congregation of Chicago

Rev. Sam Paul - CSI Redemmer Church IL

Dr. Ida Maduram - CSI Redeemer Church, IL

CSI Calvary Church/ Robinson

Region 5

Rev. Joji Philip - Emmanuel CSI Church, Atlanta

Mr. Mathew George - Emmanuel CSI Church, Atlanta

Mr. David John - Emmanuel CSI Church, Atlanta

Mr. Daniel Cherian - CSI Congregation of Florida

Ms. Ammini Cherian - CSI Congregation of Florida 

Rachel Rani Jacob - St John CSI Congregation Florida

Manju Samuel - St John CSI Congregation Florida

Region 6

Rev. Anurup Sam - CSI Congregation of Great Lakes, MI

Ms. Saraja Samuel - CSI Congregation of Great Lakes, MI

Mr. Mathew M Oommen - CSI Congregation of Great Lakes, MI

Mr. Ron Abraham - CSI Christ Church, Toronto

Mr. Jean Jacob Varghese - CSI Christ Church, Toronto

Ms. Elizabeth Koshie - CSI Christ Church, Toronto

Mr. Jayaraj Thomas - Church of South India, Detroit, MI

Rev. Binu Philip - CSI Church Toronto

Mr. Joy Chemmannoor - CSI Church Toronto

Mr. Christy Abraham - CSI Church Toronto

Mrs. Susama Abraham - CSI Church Toronto

Members at large 

Mr. Mathew Ioshua - CSI Malayalam congregation of NY , Seaford 

Mr. Abhilash Davidson - St. Thomas CSI Church of Greater Houston

Mrs. Saramma T Oommen - CSI Malayalam congregation of NY , Seaford

Diocese of Diaspora Formation Committee

Rev. Sam N Joshua - CSI Jubilee Memorial Church, Wilson Park. NY

Rev. Joe Varghese Malayil - CSI Christ Church Chicago

Rev. John K Mathew - Immanuel CSI Church, Elizabeth NJ

Dr. Zachariah Oommen - St. Thomas CSI Church of Greater Houston

Mr. Daniel Cherian - CSI Congregation of Florida

Mr. Mathew Joshua - CSI Malayalam congregation of NY,  Seaford (Convener)

Mr. Jayan Abraham -  Redeemer CSI Church, Kansas

Mr. Titus George - Church of St. Paul's &Resurrection, NJ

Mr. Samuel Johnson - CSI Congregation of Chicago

Mr. Bryan T. Mathew -  St. Thomas CSI Church of Greater Houston

Mr. Abhilash Davidson - St. Thomas CSI Church of Greater Houston

Dr. Beena Mathew - St. Thomas CSI Church of Greater Houston

Ms. Ann Jacob - CSI Malayalam congregation of NY, Seaford

Mr. Koshy George -  CSI Jubilee memorial Church, Wilson Park .NY

North America CSI Sunday School

Curriculum  Committee

Rev. John Davidson - ( Council Sunday School Chaplain )

Ms. Sonia Thomas - ( Council Sunday School Secretary )

Mr. Chris Oommen - ( Curriculum Group Coordinator )

Mr. Manu Colacot -

Mr. Bryan Mathew -  St. Thomas CSI Church, Greater Houston

Dr. Karen Joseph - CSI Congregation of Florida

Mr. Tim Kinatukara - CSI Malayalam congregation of NY,  Seaford 

Ms. Nija Koshy -

Mr. Christopher Moothedom - CSI Church Toronto

Mr. Meljo Varghese -

Sunday School Council

Rev. John D Johnson - All Saints Episcopal Church Valley Cottage - Coordinator

Mrs. Sonia Thomas - CSI Congregation of Hudson Valley - Secretary

Mrs. Shalini Enoch - CSI Church Toronto - Assistant Secretary

Region 1 - Mrs. Bindu Winston - CSI Congregation of Hudson Valley

Region 2 - Mrs. Asha Thomas - CSI Christ Church in Pennsylvania

Region 3 - Mr. Cherian Varghese - CSI Congregation, Dallas 

Region 4 - 

Region 5 - Dr. Karen Joseph - CSI Congregation of Florida

Region 6 - Mr. Christopher Moothedom -CSI Church Toronto